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Kimber Micro 9

Kimber Micro 9

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  • Design Features
  • Build Quality
  • Recoil
  • Fun Factor
3.7/5Overall Score
  • Caliber: 9 mm
  • Magazine capacity: 7
  • Length: 6.1"
  • Weight w/ empty magazine: 15.6 oz
  • Compact
  • Design
  • Stainless
  • Reliability
  • Price

So, the other day, I was in my local gun store and stumbled across the Kimber Micro 9. Regrettably, I asked to hold it, and I just couldn’t put it down, so I ended up with a Kimber Micro 9.

So naturally, after shooting my Kimber Micro 9, I’m going to do a review on it. Unlike most guns I have, this was actually kind of a whim purchase. I had no intention of buying the Micro 9, and I didn’t research it much.

I’m familiar with Kimber but before the Micro 9, I never owned one and never had any intention to buy the Micro 9.

Ironically, I’m not even a big 1911 guy. I’ve got a couple, like the Sig P938, but I don’t shoot them very often and buy them even less often, but I couldn’t put the Micro 9 down.

As soon as I picked it up I really liked it, and so here we are. Let’s dive in.

Micro 9 Price Comparison

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Midway USA
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First, I’m talking about the ergonomics. The ergonomics of the Kimber Micro 9 are really good which is probably why I now own one.

Once I picked up this Kimber and had it in my hand, I thought Man, it’s almost perfect for me. I have smaller hands and I typically carry a Glock 19, but I am getting ready to start carrying a SIG P320 XCompact to give that a try.

But this Micro 9 is really nice in the hand. The stainless with the wood grip panels looks great on this gun. It feels extremely natural in your hand.

It really boils down to holding this gun in your hand. That’s really where it shines, I believe.

When I put my index finger down the side of the gun like I would when not ready to shoot, it felt natural, granted my finger rested on the slide, but it really doesn’t matter because as long as you’re not pulling the trigger, slide’s not gonna move.

Overall in general, the ergonomics were great. Slide functions great, and there are just so many good things to say about the ergonomics.

So now, let’s move on to the grips.


The grips on this gun are small, paneled grips. These look like wood, but I’m pretty sure they’re plastic.

They do have the Kimber logo on them and they feel really good. You can change these out, of course; I’m not sure why you would; this thing looks great.

Grip Panel of the Kimber Micro 9

But if you wanted some black grips to match the black accents on this gun, that might put it together a little better.

If you’re not a real old-school gun person, you may not like the wood appearance at all. But the stock grips on this are good. They do suffice and feel and look okay.

Moving on to the magazine.


The magazine on the gun is a nine-round magazine, so it’s relatively small. It is a single-stack mag, like most 1911s.

I have one mag, and I’ve tried to figure out if I was supposed to get two mags, but mine definitely only came with one in the box. I’m not sure if that’s a mistake or what.

Magazine Base Plate of the Kimber Micro 9

If you know, please feel free to leave a comment. But I only got one, but it is the magazine with the black plastic base.

I believe it’s supposed to come with a second one with a flat base to get a more compact gun. The gun without the black magazine base pinky extension does not feel good.

The key part of the ergonomics of this gun is the magazine base, which allows you to rest your pinky on it.

The other nice part is that the magazine is flush with the frame once you put it in the gun.

I think Kimber did a really good job on this design and the fact that it does sit flush. So when your hand is around the grip frame it feels great and natural.


The frame on the Kimber Micro 9 is actually a really nice 45-degree angle. This particular model is stainless steel.

There are other models, you can get the two-tone or the tan and more. There’s a ton of Kimber Micro 9 platforms, the KHX, the ESV, the Eclipse, and the Nightfall.

These models all pretty much have the same frame, they might have different coatings or colors. But all in all, the controls are the same.

The biggest thing they change are the grips and the slide.

Even the slide has a different milling or coating. So, being that this is the stainless model, it is a very nice, clean frame.

We’ll get to the controls on the frame in a little bit. This particular Micro 9 was made in the Yonkers, New York factory.

Frame of the Kimber Micro 9

There is a little bit of grip texture on the backstrap, the beaver tail looks great, functions great, allows you to establish a good master grip.

All-in-all, I really like the frame on the Micro 9 top-notch on the frame design.


Moving up to the slide, it’s kind of where this gun starts to really shine for me.

It feels great in your hand, but once you grab the slide, the spring tension is really, really strong on the Kimber Micro 9 and the serrations on the rear are great.

kimber micro9 slidelocked

As I mentioned earlier there are tons of models that change the slide. The KHX model has a hexagonal pattern, your ESV has front cut serrations. But by and large, most of the Micro 9 models only have rear serrations and those serrations grip really well.

Even with the seemingly tight spring, it’s easy to grab and rack the slide.

It’s very clean design. With the Kimber logo on one side and Micro 9 on the other, both of these are classy and clean.

The markings are not overly prominent, and the slide has a rounded finish. It’s not a boxy design and complements the frame very well, as this gun is much more rounded than something like a Glock or SIG, which is more boxy.

It’s what you’d expect out of a 1911.

Stock Photo of Kimber Micro 9

Kimber Micro 9

• Caliber 9mm
• 7 Round Capacity
• Weight 15.6 oz
Price Check: | Grab-A-Gun


So sticking with the top of the gun, let’s talk about the sights.

The included sights are the standard three dot sights, two rear white dots, one dot front sight. These sights are not adjustable.

Sight Picture of the Micro 9

That being said, I’m not a huge fan of these sights. If you’ve read any of my pistol reviews, you know I don’t like rear sight dots.

I feel like it takes away from the picture, it distracts me. The front sight’s supposed to be your focus so for me that’s the only dot I need.

Just give me a plain black U on the rear, and we’ll roll with it.

You can change the Micro nine sights. TruGlo makes the TFX Pro Sights. But if that’s what you want, get your wallet out because they’re about $200.

In reality, you don’t really need new sights, but I’m just personally not a fan of this sight setup. Now, do they work? Yes, they work fine.

But I think the biggest drawback on a gun of this price point, is the fact that this model, the stainless model, did not come with factory night sights.

You can buy Kimber night sights for the Micro, they’re not quite as expensive as the Tru Glo TFXs but they are pretty pricey and after you just spent nearly $700 on a pistol, you would hope that it would come with night sights from the factory. But it doesn’t. And if you don’t like that, you just have to call Kimber.


So now, let’s jump into the controls of a gun. Most of the controls are obviously on the frame but are a 1911-style pistol, so there is a hammer so I’ll talk about that as well.

Slide Release

But let’s start with the slide release and work our way back. The slide release is actually one of the smoothest operating slide releases I’ve seen on a Micro 1911.

micro 9 slide release

Even with the magazine in, it’s very easy to pull it down and send the slide forward.

It’s very easy to push it up if you’re trying to lock the slide to the rear. It’s got a really nice, solid, tiered shelf on it.

Your finger sits on it nicely and it’s very easy to pull down with one finger. Now, it’s not super easy to pull down with one finger with the magazine in the gun, but that’s not a big deal for me.

I think it does what it needs to do. It’s very easy to use. It’s really hard to miss if you’re trying to lock the slide to the rear, and the nice thing is, for me, with smaller hands and the Micro 9, I don’t have to swing around the gun to get to it.

I can keep my master grip established and still use the slide release, that’s a nice feature to me.


Moving back to the safety on this gun.

I’m not a big fan of pistol safeties, I don’t like thumb safeties.

micro 9 safety

But I accept the fact that they’re on most 1911s. So while I don’t particularly care for them, I understand their point, I understand why people would like them and I’m going to give this one a fair run.

When it’s in the safe position to put it into fire, pulling down on the safety is extremely fluid. I shot this several times. I brought it from the chest and pushed the safety down while presenting it on target.

There’s an audible click. It’s nice, it’s smooth, and you can’t accidentally knock it off safe but it’s not so stiff that it’s aggravating.

Now, pushing up, it doesn’t quite contour to my thumb that well to push up. So it’s a little more difficult to get it on safety, but it’s still not bad. I don’t want to harp on it too much because that would give the false impression that there’s an issue with this safety. There’s not. It’s actually really nice, especially for a Micro 1911 pistol.

Both safe and fire have really nice, tactile, and audible clicks, so you know when you’re there.

Overall, if you’re used to 1911s, you won’t have a problem with the safety. In fact, you’ll probably think it’s pretty nice. I like the safety.

Let’s move on to the hammer.


There is no de-cocker on the Kimber Micro 9, but I don’t really have an issue with that.

kimber micro9 hammer

I don’t see many people manually cocking this hammer, but there are 4 cuts in the hammer for grip texture.

It’s got a hollow interior, assuming that’s just for aesthetics. It does look good. It functions well and I’ve seen a lot of questions online about, “Can you dry fire the Micro 9?” Yes, you absolutely can dry fire the Micro 9.

There’s nothing you will hurt with the Micro 9 by dry-firing it.

That’s mostly 22 long rifle.

Magazine Release

All right, let’s talk about the magazine release really quickly.

The magazine release is a small, circular dot where pretty much every magazine release is.

So there’s no real shocker, no epiphany here for a mag release. It’s what you’d expect on 1911, it has a very nice abrasive texture and is a metal mag release.

Once again, it ejects the magazine like a 1911. It doesn’t shoot out unless you hold it all the way down. If you short stroke it and just press it real quick, your mags not going to slide all the way out.

But if you press and hold, your magazine is coming out. Overall, texture-wise the button works great, and it doesn’t shoot out quite as well as some of the polymer-based pistols.

But again, this is a Micro 1911, so take that at what you will.

Speaking of 1911s, let’s talk about the trigger.


The trigger on the Micro 9 is different.

I want to say it’s like a 1911 pistol, but it’s not on a slide. There’s definitely a sliding attribute to it, it looks like a sliding 1911 pistol but it definitely functions more like a standard pivot trigger.

Kimber Micro 9 Trigger

In fact, you can see the roll pin that holds this in on the side of the gun. Now, let’s talk about the actual trigger function.

The trigger has very little take-up, very, very little take-up. Once you hit that wall, you’re at it. You’re just going to have to pull until it breaks. It’s got a pretty solid trigger pull, it is not for the faint of heart.

The reset is all the way back out, and then you have your very little bit of take up, and then you have your pull. The nice thing I’ll say about the break on this, it’s very clean and crisp, but it’s heavy.

So you’re probably going to be more accurate with this if you’re one of those people who like to push or jerk to compensate for recoil. You’re not going to see this trigger break coming, this one’s going to break before you know it. Which is good.

But it is a pretty heavy trigger pull, so keep that in mind.

Shooting the Kimber Micro 9

So shooting the gun I thought would be a lot of fun, and don’t get me wrong, shooting any gun is better than going to work any day of the week.

So it was a lot of fun. However, I ran into some malfunctions with this gun like I did with the Browning 1911 Black Label.

It wasn’t bad, but out of like six or 10 mags that I ran through it, I had a malfunction on three or four of the mags.

That may just be this gun, or that may be the ammo. I’m going to shoot more and kind of jostle that around, and figure out what exactly that might be.

I definitely wasn’t limp wristing the gun, though. That was ruled out because multiple people shot this gun that day and we still had the same problems.

The brass was quite literally getting caught in the chamber on the ejection, so I’m not sure what that was about.

But as far as shooting the gun, it shoots great. It’s a Micro 9 mm, so it’s got a bit of bite. There’s really nothing that’s going to mitigate the recoil on this, but it still feels really good in the hand.

Is it a gun I’d want to shoot all day?

No, absolutely not.

Is this a good gun?

I think so, aside from the issues we have, and I would try some different ammo.

I still like this gun even with the few issues I had shooting.

Final Thoughts on the Kimber Micro 9

My final thoughts for the Kimber Micro 9 are this: this is a fantastic-looking gun. I think most people will love this gun.

If you’re a Kimber fan, you’re going to love it.

If you’re a 1911 fan, you’ll probably love it.

Personally, would I carry this gun? No, absolutely not.

The few issues I had were that I had shot the same ammo out of other guns and haven’t had that problem. So, no, I would not carry this particular Kimber Micro 9.

Should you carry it? That’s for you to decide. I don’t tell people how to live their life. This is America.

But you should definitely shoot the Kimber Micro 9 before you carry it. I think that’s very important. These are really nice guns, they’re definitely a show piece. I like being like, “Hey, check out my Kimber Micro 9.”

It’s decent to go shoot, this isn’t going to be the only pistol I take for my range day. Simply because it does have a good bit of bite and I just don’t want to shoot it for three, four hours.

I do want to shoot 10, 12, 15 mags through it and really get my time on it.

Overall, I do recommend getting this gun. If you like 1911s and you like Kimber, it’s going to be a good purchase.

If you’re looking for a carry gun, like an everyday carry protection gun, I have a hard time recommending this. Many people may disagree with me, and that’s perfectly okay.

I wouldn’t recommend it. Would I recommend not getting it? No. I think it’s a great gun to shoot, but is it one of the best 1911s I’ve ever shot? Probably not.

Love Kimber’s? Take a look at the Kimber K6s, which is a fantastic little revolver by Kimber.

Micro 9 Price Comparison

Compare prices from trusted merchants
Buds Gun Shop Best Deal
Midway USA
Shooting Surplus
Firearms Depot
Palmetto State Armory
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Michael Savage
Michael Savage

Michael, owner of Lynx Defense, has over a decade of experience in the firearms industry, personally reviewing hundreds of firearms and developing innovative, high-quality products for the community.

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  1. I have two kimber micro 9 have not had any problems with them . One was new one was used in like new condition love them both.

  2. I recently picked up a two-tone Micro 9 and before I even shot it, I decided to replace the wood grips with a Hogue grip to match the extended magazine’s pinky grip. After I removed the wood panels, I heard a pop from the Micro 9… one of the girl bushing launched itself out of the grip! Sending to Kimber to replace it, I’ll be selling this thing asap.

  3. I have a Micro 9mm stainless , CT Laser grips , first shots cleaned bore took it to my range after about 4 mags I was getting failure to RTB , took it apart cleaned and lubed it well it was very dry , next range trip ran flawless , they like to be well lubed I never checked for it’s lubing out of box I have full confidence in mine

  4. Just got me a micro9.. could not pass the price.. 475 dls… looking fwd to break it in .. will start with 124 grain… lets see what happens

  5. I am purchasing micro9. I’m sending my Kimber solo back to Kimber to be distroyed. My solo is horrible. I’m really concerned about reading about micro9 jamming. I don’t want to go through another jamming edc 9mm. Any suggestions?

  6. I own two micro 9mm subcompact guns. A Kimber Micro 9 and a Ruger LC9. The Micro 9 is my preferred carry gun of the two. I use an 6 round magazine and carry the gun in my jeans pocket with a pocket holster. I put a round in the chamber and de-cock the gun versus carrying the gun cocked and locked or with no round in the chamber. I found that some hollow point rounds do not load properly into the chamber. Hollow point rounds with a small diameter tip work very well. I use Winchester bonded JHP rounds. I replaced the rosewood gips with Crimson Trace green laser grips. Except for the laser area on the grips, they are similar in thickness to the rosewood grips. I actually shoot a tighter group with the guns sights versus the laser sight – but close.
    In regards to the Ruger LC9. It has more kick and I am not nearly as accurate with it as I am with the Micro 9. My LC9 also has Crimson Trace laser sights.

  7. Bought mine three days ago. Started off with a box of Critical Defense then 60 rounds of various brands. Functioned perfectly the fiber optic went flying. There was three pack in the box. Took a couple of minutes to install a new one. I love this little gun.

  8. I made the unfortunate mistake of purchasing this unreliable Jam-O-Matic as an EDC pistol. After getting so many FTFs and FTEs that it wasn’t even funny anymore, I sent this micro Lemon back to Kimber for servicing after putting up with it for more than 1,000 rounds. They sent it back, supposedly fixed.

    The Deja Vu started all over again, despite changing ammo brands and bullet designs time and time again. The jams, stove pipes, and type 3 malfunctions continued whether using 115, 124, or 147 grain (as Kimber recommends). The pistol became so unreliable that it would seize up regardless of whether I was shooting ball or self-defense ammo. The ONLY time I could get it to fire more than three rounds consecutively was on the first magazine after a full cleaning of the pistol and the mags. All told, I have fired more than 2,000 unsatisfactory rounds out of this thing with at least 200 or more jams.

    As an aside, I have not had similar issues with any other pistol I own. In fact, I have an Sig Sauer P938 that is nearly identical in size and design to the Micro 9, and it functions flawlessly, round after round after round. This indicates to me that the issue is with the pistol, not my shooting technique. Allowing a good friend, who is a Master-level shooter, to try out the Micro 9 yielded the same frustrating series of malfunctions for him as well. He shuddered at the thought of it being a carry pistol.

    I made the wise decision to file the Micro 9 away in the bottom of my safe, never to see another trip to the range or anywhere else. I won’t even sell it because I wouldn’t want my conscience to have to suffer the thought of someone else having to risk their life on this laughable excuse for a useless, over-priced pistol.

    I will admit it’s a handsome firearm, though, and the Kimber name carries an aura of a once-proud brand that peaked and then apparently waned after being liberated from its founder. I may ask a local machinist friend of mine to manufacture a solid barrel for the pistol so I can use it as an inert paper weight—because that’s about the best use I can come up with for it.

    I cannot recommend the Micro 9 to anyone.

  9. Regarding the safety lever and the lack of a de-cocker for the Micro 9:
    My wife recently purchased a Micro 9 as an everyday carry in a belly bag. Sometimes she puts it in a sticky/soft holster.
    I just noticed that her gun was left in the “half cocked” hammer position so I asked her why. She says the manual safety is always ON. In my research, the Kimber manual states that the “half cocked” position is NOT safe and should not be relied upon (since the lever cannot be engaged until the hammer is fully cocked). She agreed to fully cock the hammer, then put the safety lever up.
    One of my questions is: Why is there no “de-cocker”? My SIG SP-2022 has one and no safety. I treat the un-cocked hammer pull as my first safety since it is heavy (but subsequent pulls are about 3-4 lbs). Is there a way to de-cock after chambering a round? Or should she place her “faith” in the safety? Next time we go for instruction I hope she gets advice from instructor and not her husband. Much better all around……

  10. The failure that’s been noted is due to a faulty spring on the magazine release. Mine had this problem and I returned it to Kimber. Best customer service I’ve ever experienced. They had my gun back to me in exactly 7 days. They explained exactly what they did to it and how it was tested. I have since fired 3 to 4 hundred rounds with zero failure. If you’re having a problem, forget experimenting with different ammo. Have Kimber make the fix and shoot anything you want flawlessly.

  11. I own a Kimber .45 Custom Carry II that I absolutely love and that shoots perfectly without fail. I agree with the tight tolerances on the weapon, and also heard comments about the break-in period. First, never had that with the .45. Straight out of the gate the Micro 9 kept jamming, and other people who fired it had the same issue, so I cannot chalk it up to a loose grip. Second, a 500-round break-in? Seriously? Umm…no. I’ve owned firearms that in 500 rounds have never malfunctioned, the Kimber .45 was no exception. A couple of misfires would be tolerable over that number of rounds. Every other magazine!? My experience matches the writer’s. I’d add that the purpose of any handgun is defensive in an emergency. If I cannot rely on it in 99 times out of 100, it’s not a firearm I would trust defensively. And if I’m spending half again as much at the current price of ammo to break it in, $560 is quickly turning into $860 for a gun that’s as visually effective as a prop. No thanks. I wanted to like it but the frustration and hassle weren’t worth it.

  12. I just purchase a used mirco 9 it was hard to put down too damn cold to get outside just put 3 rounds out it I do like it time will tell

  13. I have had magazines (3) that all failed on the second shot. The rounds come up against the mag face before clearing the magazine with every type of ammo (9) I have used. Loading five rounds in the magazine and one in the chamber cure this, but why carry a magazine with five rounds in it as a carry gun for a second reload? I have only put 260 rounds through this gun and will continue to go for 500 to see if things work out. I like this gun otherwise and have dispatched an elk that was hit on the highway and was a hazard with a broken back at five yards. Recoil hasn’t bothered me, I shoot with gloves and usually fire between 50 – 75 rnds at a session. I use a belt clip for carry. I also have ordered a green laser grip from Hogue, returned it as it went dead overnight even when turned off. It has been three months since I sent it back and I still have not received a replacement from Hogue.

  14. This is funny yesterday I just received a sale brochure on the Kimbers. They are really great looking handguns. Thinking on selling my CZP07 for a down stroke on Kimber. Not sure which 1 I want but they all look COOL! Probably one off my best EDC weapons is my Sig 320 X compact. This is a keeper with 16 rounds and 2 backup magazines your ready to go. I like smaller weapons that I can carry easily Hellcat Pro Shield Plus SiG XMacro are my favorites along with 320 X compact. I may have to look at these Kimbers they win the Beauty contest for sure!!

  15. I have had none of the feed issues I have read about in several sites I bought the basic black rubber grip model on sale for I think 599 might have been less. I am a handloader and I’m sure i haven’t put 500 rounds not even sure it’s been 200 ( moving and building have consumed my time since buying it). I have had 0 malfunctions. I have shot from 90 grain hornady and Sierra hollowpoints, 90 gr Lehigh machined, 115 gr Sierra, 147 gr Speer fmj, and lastly 124 gr lead rn from hunting shack. I won’t go into loads but most were approaching max velocity except the lead bullets and they were purposely mild. I test all my handloads in a full size browning high power as I have absolute confidence in the strength of that pistol. Every one of the bullets I’ve tried has run perfectly. Excellent accuracy out to even 40 or 50 yds could hit targets. I do clean and oil my guns after every use. I know it’s not what everyone does but my dad drilled it into me to clean up oil and have it ready to operate after every practice session. At this point I keep that kimber on my nightstand and it’s the only concealed size pistol I own. I have confidence it will function if needed. That being said when I head for the woods it’s either my redhawk or xdm10 riding along. The micro just ain’t going to cut it with a possible 600 + pound griz coming at me but for everything 2 legged person wise at close range kimber micro 9 and Lehigh 90 gr bullets running around 1400fps will get the job done.

  16. I have owned and still own many Kimber firearms, and the one thing I have notice on the micro 9’s are the very tight springs. I have a solution for this that has worked flawlessly for my last micro raptor and this last week on an ESV. 1st, the mag states 7, realistically 6 is 100% reliable with no feed issues. 2nd, if you have a week or more to let it sit, leave it in your chosen secured area with the slide locked back (the longer the better). This has helped me out tremendously. Of course there will still be the Murphy events whenever possible. Hope this helps.

  17. I own the micro 9 two-tone. In your comment you stated the mag held 9 rounds. The micro 9 holds 7 rounds plus 1 in the pipe. My two-tone came with rosewood grips. They are not plastic. Overall I love my Kimber. Never any malfunctions with it. I have put several 100 rounds through it. And I carry it everyday

  18. You said you would not carry and you would not recommend carrying the Micro 9. Is it because of the malfunction that you experienced or the size or why? I was given a Micro 9 and am trying to decide on selling it to buy a S&W or another revolver. Thanks

    • A number of commentators have noted there is a break-in period. The reason I wouldn’t carry was due to the malfunctions I experienced but I believe these commentators when they say that the springs have a few hundred round breakin period and after that, the gun is likely fine to carry. So, I guess, I should rephrase by saying I would not carry this gun until it was past that breakin period.

  19. Kimber makes match grade firearms. The tolerances are much tighter than what most people are accustomed to. They recommend a 500 round break in period. Mine have usually quit malfunctioning around 200-300. Flawless after broken in. Also more accurate and reliable than most firearms on the market, after break in….. That is, if you clean and maintain them like a 1911.

  20. I had the same problem with stovepipes with my Micro 9. However, after putting about 200 rounds through the magazine, no more problems. Had the same issue with the 3 new magazines bought from Kimber, and also with the new magazines I bought for my S&W Model 99. That’s the only reason I knew to put more rounds through the magazine with the Micro 9, because S&W had told me it’s very common with new magazines until the springs relax a little bit..

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